
Central emulsion dosing systems – DMP series

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Below are details of the available models.

Central dosing system DMP - 50M

DMP-50M 50M is designed to prepare the desired coolant-lubricant agent / coolant (for machining) based on water-based oils, with the exact percentage concentration (0-50%) according to the user’s expectations…

Central dosing system DMP - 50ST | DMP - 50PT

DMP-50ST oraz DMP-50PT are used to prepare a solution of water with a concentrate based on mineral or synthetic oils at a specific concentration desired by the user with high accuracy, and then feed the newly formed solution to the installation/production machine…

Central dosing system DMP - 50SE

DMP SE typ DMP-50SE is used to produce a release agent from “difficult” concentrates, e.g. on the basis of mineral salts or graphite, in the proper concentration desired by the User, thanks to automatic dosing into water of the proper additions of the concentrate, and then supplying machines/installations with the produced solution…

Central dosing system DMP-50DC

DMP-50DC are metering and pumping stations designed to work with industrial machines, either individually or in central systems. Used for dispensing water-based release agents as well as micro-spraying agents…
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